Sunday, January 11, 2015

Monkey-X - Basic Block Pushing game code example.

Here a simple example of how to do a block pushing game. Move the yellow block using the cursor keys and move the blocks into their destination.

Code below :

Import mojo

Const tilewidth:Int=32
Const tileheight:Int=32
Const mapwidth:Int=20
Const mapheight:Int=15
Global map:Int[][] = [      [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
                            [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] ]

Class player
    Field x:Int=8
    Field y:Int=10
    Field dx:Int
    Field dy:Int
    Field ox:Int
    Field oy:Int
    Field width:Int=32
    Field height:Int=32
    Field ismoving:Bool=False
End Class

Global p:player = New player

Class MyGame Extends App
    Method OnCreate()
    End Method
    Method OnUpdate()
    End Method
    Method OnRender()
        DrawText "Move all blocks into their destination (use cursor keys)",2,0
        If numfours(3) = True Then
            DrawText "All blocks are in place - finished..",2,16
        End If
    End Method

Function numfours:Bool(count:Int=0)
    Local cnt:Int=0
    For Local y=0 Until mapheight
    For Local x=0 Until mapwidth
        If map[y][x] = 4 Then cnt+=1
    If cnt = count Then Return True
    Return False
End Function

Function moveplayer:Void()
    If p.ismoving = True 
        If p.x < p.dx Then
            p.ox += 1
            If p.ox = 31 Then 
                p.ismoving = False
                p.x = p.dx
            End If
        End If
        If p.x > p.dx Then 
            p.ox -= 1
            If p.ox = -31
                p.ismoving = False
                p.x = p.dx
            End If
        End If
        If p.y < p.dy Then
            p.oy += 1
            If p.oy = 31 Then
                p.ismoving = False
                p.y = p.dy
            End If
        End If
        If p.y > p.dy Then
            p.oy -= 1
            If p.oy = -31 Then
                p.ismoving = False
                p.y = p.dy
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If p.ismoving = False

    If KeyHit(KEY_RIGHT) 
        If map[p.y][p.x+1] = 0
            p.dy = p.y
            p.ismoving = True
        Elseif map[p.y][p.x+1] = 2
            If map[p.y][p.x+2] = 3
                map[p.y][p.x+2] = 4
                map[p.y][p.x+1] = 0
                p.ismoving = True
                p.dx = p.x+1
                p.dy = p.y
            End If
            If map[p.y][p.x+2] = 0
                map[p.y][p.x+2] = 2
                map[p.y][p.x+1] = 0
                p.ismoving = True
                p.dx = p.x+1
                p.dy = p.y
            End If            
        End If
    End If
    If KeyHit(KEY_LEFT)
        If map[p.y][p.x-1] = 0
            p.dy = p.y
            p.dx = p.x-1
            p.ismoving = True
        Elseif map[p.y][p.x-1] = 2
            If map[p.y][p.x-2] = 3
                map[p.y][p.x-2] = 4
                map[p.y][p.x-1] = 0
                p.ismoving = True
                p.dx = p.x-1
                p.dy = p.y
            End If
            If map[p.y][p.x-2] = 0
                map[p.y][p.x-2] = 2
                map[p.y][p.x-1] = 0
                p.ismoving = True
                p.dx = p.x-1
                p.dy = p.y
            End If            
        End If
    End If
    If KeyHit(KEY_UP)
        If map[p.y-1][p.x] = 0
            p.dx = p.x
            p.ismoving = True
        Elseif map[p.y-1][p.x] = 2
            If map[p.y-2][p.x] = 3
                map[p.y-2][p.x] = 4
                map[p.y-1][p.x] = 0
                p.ismoving = True
                p.dx = p.x
                p.dy = p.y-1
            End If
            If map[p.y-2][p.x] = 0
                map[p.y-2][p.x] = 2
                map[p.y-1][p.x] = 0
                p.ismoving = True
                p.dx = p.x
                p.dy = p.y-1
            End If            
        End If
    End If
    If KeyHit(KEY_DOWN)
        If map[p.y+1][p.x] = 0
            p.ismoving = True
        Elseif map[p.y+1][p.x] = 2
            If map[p.y+2][p.x] = 3
                map[p.y+2][p.x] = 4
                map[p.y+1][p.x] = 0
                p.ismoving = True
                p.dx = p.x
                p.dy = p.y+1
            End If
            If map[p.y+2][p.x] = 0
                map[p.y+2][p.x] = 2
                map[p.y+1][p.x] = 0
                p.ismoving = True
                p.dx = p.x
                p.dy = p.y+1
            End If            
        End If
    End If
    End If
End Function

Function drawplayer:Void()
    SetColor 255,255,0
    DrawRect p.x*tilewidth+p.ox,p.y*tilewidth+p.oy,p.width,p.height
End Function

Function drawmap:Void()
    For Local y=0 Until mapheight
    For Local x=0 Until mapwidth
        Local x1=x*tilewidth
        Local y1=y*tileheight
        Select map[y][x]
            Case 1
                SetColor 255,255,255
                DrawRect x1,y1,tilewidth,tileheight
            Case 2
                SetColor 255,0,0
                DrawRect x1,y1,tilewidth,tileheight
                SetColor 255,255,255
                DrawText "Block",x1+(tilewidth/2),y1+(tileheight/2),.5,.5
            Case 3
                SetColor 0,255,0
                drawboxedrect x1,y1,tilewidth,tileheight
                SetColor 255,255,255
                DrawText "Dest",x1+(tilewidth/2),y1+(tileheight/2),.5,.5
            Case 4
                SetColor 0,255,255
                DrawRect x1,y1,tilewidth,tileheight
        End Select
End Function

Function drawboxedrect:Void(x:Int,y:Int,w:Int,h:Int)
    DrawLine x,y,x+w,y
    DrawLine x,y,x,y+h
    DrawLine x,y+h,x+w,y+h
    DrawLine x+w,y,x+w,y+h
End Function

Function Main()
    New MyGame()
End Function

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